Zürich Madness Insanity III

Nothing matters anymore. You don't matter. I don't matter. This article doesn't matter. None of our actions will ever have an effect on the universe. You see the stars? Each one is a giant sphere of burning plasma, even the smallest ones can fit several thousand Earths in them. We are so tiny and weak.
No matter what happens to me or to you, to this article, to this wikia, it doesn't matter.
Every human life, every emotion, every action.
Its all for nothing.
Our lives are so fragile, the smallest of words can kill thousands, but our voices will never echo throughout the cosmos.
But there is one. He will have an impact on this universe, so huge, so massive, he will be hailed as God. And his name is [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ John Cena.]